Irene @ Smuts
Market and Handmade and local
Moooi! Craft and market are two of my favorite words, so when I recently spotted the street advertisement for the Irene @ Smuts Market I decided it was time to pay it a visit…
With Bill and the calves in tow, we moooseyed on over to the Smuts House Museum last Saturday morning only to be met with the most wonderful vibe. Craft market heaven!
Bill headed straight for the newly built wooden deck where live music set the tone for an enjoyable morning. Craft beer and great food options meant that he was quite happy to soak up the tunes whilst the calves and I strolled around the stalls.
Proudly South African handmade products resulted in us spending quite some time chatting with the vendors – getting to know their crafts and admiring their makes. From handmade glycerine soap (which smells divine) to perfectly sewn Barbie doll dresses, there is something for everyone at this market.
I was most impressed with the creativity and originality of some of the vendors. I purchased a lovely shopper bag, which I plan to use for my weekly Deli visit, made out of recycled washing powder packets – who would have thought! Not only did I enjoy every minute of exploring this market, but I felt like I was helping to save the environment in my own little way!
Another one which caught my eye (and my wallet!) was a vendor making Tree of life décor from old bicycle rims. Mine will be proudly displayed on our barnyard gate entrance. I’ll be sure to post a pic on my Facebook page as the Tree of life photos are all the rage right now!
Beautiful jewelry, clothing, paintings and more – you can see why we were there for the whole morning! Not forgetting the antique stalls. The calves and I had so much fun checking out all the old goodies, much of which I had to explain what they were!
It wasn’t long before my youngest calves were tugging at my hoof for something to eat and drink so we decided to stay for lunch.
Vetkoek, gourmet hot dogs, pizzas, paninis, pull pork sandwiches – you name it, they’ve got it! And the drinks aren’t far behind… We saw many happy market-goers with a glass of wine in their hands and the craft beer vendor seemed rather busy too… I stuck to my trusty favorite – coffee – and it was a mooovelous one at that, whilst the claves had their all-time market must – bubble tea!
Together with Bill, we sat on the deck and enjoyed the time spent together. The market buzz in the air made the atmosphere complete.
On the walk home, the calves moooed about how much fun the morning had been and asked when we could go back! I’ve since discovered that they hold a Moonlight Market on the last Friday evening of each month – I’m going to pencil that into the calendar right now…